Finance Solutions

Business Advisory

Untangle Complex Business Situations – with a Proven – Results Expert by Your Side

No matter how well your business has operated in the past, you may find yourself at an unfamiliar crossroads.

Whether it’s navigating mergers and acquisitions, orchestrating and managing boards, strategic planning, improving productivity, right-sizing your business, and more, a professional with an outside perspective and extensive experience can make a massive difference.

For over 25 years I have helped hundreds of SME owners just like you to:

  • Resolve issues of any size
  • Meet strategic objectives and compliance requirements, and
  • Move business to the next level

I can help you plan and implement up-to-date practices to build and maintain a thriving business.

Regardless of the complexity of the situation, I help ease your financial burdens by providing insights and a positive way forward.  And my unwavering support.

Drawing on my long history of success, I am the trusted expert you can fully count on when things get demanding. When we get on the journey together, I am with you every step of the way.

Business finance advisory services-geared for excellence

My business and financial consulting services help drive greater efficiencies.  This has a positive effect throughout your entire organisation and beyond.

I have expertise in operational and risk management, best practice implementation, and business transformation for back-office functions including finance, procurement and IT.

Take advantage of my services to support your challenges, including:

Working Capital

With decades of hands-on experience, I am one of the most experienced and accomplished women in Australia to specialise in working capital.

I have helped clients free up millions of dollars in cash flow. This has improved their ability to fund new products, expand to new markets, pay down debt, and take on strategic initiatives.

Find out how expertly negotiated and managed working capital funding can transform your business.

Organisational Effectiveness

Need your organisation to operate at its optimal efficiency and effectiveness? Reviewing the way your business works and creating new strategies can open up a world of possibilities.

I help you apply proven best practices and processes to help your business run more smoothly than ever.

Find out how to create a better, more profitable and easier-to-run business from the inside out—by optimising your internal processes and slashing costs.

Planning and Performance Management

The need for business performance management has never been greater.

As part of my finance consulting services, I work closely with business owners, executives and CFO’s. Together, we ensure the right metrics are used to correctly measure business progress.

Planning and performance can help you keep closer tabs on the direction of your business. And have more lead time to respond to changes.

Access early indicators which identify shifts in forecasts and get greater control over your business. Let me show you the way.


Changes to compliance occur frequently, and it’s important to stay informed and know your business obligations.

I have years of experience dealing with and researching the latest compliance requirements across many industries—and to help implement them. Let me undertake this task for you to free up your time to focus on other aspects of running your business.

By applying best practices, I can help you simplify your compliance processes and reduce the risk and cost of compliance errors.

Mergers, Acquisitions and Succession Planning

I help you take the next step outside of organic growth to further develop your business. Perhaps it’s offering my expertise in navigating mergers and acquisitions, or perhaps succession planning. In any of these, there are many inherent business, financial, logistical and cultural shifts involved.

Perhaps you would like to implement a management by objectives framework to orientate operations towards your intended results.

Allow me to assist you with the various steps, decisions and due diligence required to take your business to the next level.

Contact me today in strictest confidence for a complimentary initial consultation. Wherever you may be located around Australia, call (03) 9444 0042 or leave your details via the contact form.

Working Capital Management

With decades of hands-on experience, I am one of the most experienced and accomplished women in Australia to specialise in working capital.

I have helped clients free up millions of dollars in cash flow.  This has improved their ability to fund new products, expand to new markets, pay down debt, and take on strategic initiatives.

Find out how expertly negotiated and managed working capital funding can transform your business.

Organisational Effectiveness

Need your organisation to operate at its optimal efficiency and effectiveness? Reviewing the way your business works and creating new strategies can open up a world of possibilities.

I help you apply proven best practices and processes to help your business run more smoothly than ever.

Find out how to create a better, more profitable and easier-to-run business from the inside out—by optimising your internal processes and slashing costs.

Planning and Performance Management

The need for business performance management has never been greater.

As part of my finance consulting services, I work closely with business owners, executives and CFO’s. Together, we ensure the right metrics are used to correctly measure business progress.

Planning and performance can help you keep closer tabs on the direction of your business.  And have more lead time to respond to changes.

Access early indicators which identify shifts in forecasts and get greater control over your business.  Let me show you the way.


Changes to compliance occur frequently, and it’s important to stay informed and know your business obligations.

I have years of experience dealing with and researching the latest compliance requirements across many industries—and to help implement them.  Let me undertake this task for you to free up your time to focus on other aspects of running your business.

By applying best practices, I can help you simplify your compliance processes and reduce the risk and cost of compliance errors.

Mergers, Acquisitions, Succession Planning and Management by Objectives

I help you take the next step outside of organic growth to further develop your business. Perhaps it’s offering my expertise in navigating mergers and acquisitions, or perhaps succession planning.  In any of these, there are many inherent business, financial, logistical and cultural shifts involved.

Perhaps you would like to implement a management by objectives framework to orientate operations towards your intended results.

Allow me to assist you with the various steps, decisions and due diligence required to take your business to the next level.

Contact me today in strictest confidence for a complimentary initial consultation.  Wherever you may be located around Australia, call (03) 9444 0042 or leave your details via the contact form.

Free Initial Consultation

Contact Us

in the strictest confidence

    Please fill out and submit the form and we will contact you within 8 business hours.

    (03) 9444 0042 | 0423 657 367
    PO BOX 262, ELTHAM, VIC 3095